Rotational Grazing: Temporary Electric Fencing 101

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Temporary electric fencing is essential when it comes to rotational grazing because it helps you outline your grazing paddocks. You can do it with a permanent fence, but temporary electric fencing gives you more flexibility to create the best situation for the forage and livestock. Rotational grazing motivates livestock to eat all of the available forage in the grazing paddock before rotating them to another paddock. When done successfully, you can look over at the recently grazed lot and see a smooth blanket of freshly grazed grass with few clumps left over. Therefore, the yield when the forage grows back will be more evenly distributed across the paddock and not just in certain areas. To do rotational grazing properly, it may be a bit intimidating if you don’t know what products to use to create a sturdy and useful temporary fence. Let’s break it down and help you decide which products you need for your next temporary electric fence for rotational grazing.

Poly fence

The first thing you are going to need is a specific type of poly fence to help keep the livestock in the specified section of pasture. Poly fence is a less expensive way to subdivide your pastures and keep livestock in their respectful paddocks. While being low-cost, poly fences also are highly effective. We carry four types: polywire, polybraid, polyrope, and polytape. We dove deeper into the nitty-gritty of the different types of polyfence in our previous blog Know Your Poly Fence so be sure to check that out if you want to learn more about navigating the different types and which is best for you.

Know Electricity Terms

When it comes time to select your type of fence, it is essential to look at the OHMS. First, let’s dive into what OHMS is because that may be a term you have not heard of before or may not know exactly what it means. Long story short, there is a mathematical equation that measures the resistance between two points of a conductor (in this instance, it is the poly fence) when a volt is applied (electricity from the energizer) and a current (amp) is produced. OHMS is represented by the Greek letter "Ω", which is omega, if you see it on the packaging on polyfence. The higher the number listed on the fence, the higher the resistance, which means less power output by the fence. This creates less of a shock to the animal. A lower OHMS rating helps to keep the voltage more consistent throughout the entire length of the fence. So the OHMS number is inverse with the effect it has - the higher the OHMS number, the less electricity will run through the fence, and the lower the OHMS number, the more electricity runs through the fence. High OHMS is weak, Low OHMS is strong. Our rule of thumb is:

  • 18,500 = Good
  • 9,500 = Better
  • 100 = BEST

Different materials used in the manufacturing of the poly fence make it weaker or stronger to carry and deliver an electrical shock. What makes one of our poly fence products a good, better, or best option are the types, thickness, and number of the metal strands that carry the electricity. Stainless steel is the most common metal used, but any of our products with copper will have the lowest OHMS and create the best and most consistent electrical current to keep livestock in.

Rotational grazing posts

We offer four types of electric fencing posts which are best suited for rotational grazing and/or temporary electric fencing. These posts are made to be moved more frequently and easily than other electric fencing posts:

  1. Tread-in post: features an “Easy-Clip”, durable I-Beam construction, an extra long high tensile steel spike, and is UV stable, yellow color.
  2. Steel pigtail post: features a steel shaft with UV stabilized coating, holds fence 36 in. above the ground, uses a rod post insulator to run multiple lines on these posts, white color.
  3. Step-in post: able to be placed in 8 different positions, pointed tip with a wider foot, UV stable.
  4. Sunguard Smart Clip fiberglass step-in post: features four clips offering both the “Easy-Clip” and a traditional clip. It has a ⅜ in. rod diameter, holds fence over 38 in. above ground, coated to prevent fading and damage to the post works well with any poly fence for temporary fences

Gate Handles

When it comes to creating access points for your grazing paddocks, it is important to maintain the electric fence’s conductivity. This is why we offer a wide variety of Gate Handles. Our Spring Gate Kits make it easy to create an electrified gate that keeps your livestock off of it and also allows you a safe way to access the grazing paddock. These kits offer a bundled solution that include a gate handle, a spring, a gate activator, and a pinlock insulator. To get more details on the different kits and hook gate handles, you can look at our catalog or contact a local dealer near you.


Once you have all of your building materials and have built your fence, it’s time to put some power to it. Generally, in temporary fencing areas, unless you are connecting to a permanent electric fence, we recommend a solar charger. These are lightweight, easy to install, and get the job done. Just make sure your solar energizer is not positioned under a tree and has access to plenty of sunlight. Depending on the length of the fence and how many strands of wire you will have, there are different options for solar chargers. We carry Patriot and Speedrite energizers that are considered the best in the business. If you have multiple strands, you will need to multiply the number of strands by the total length to get an accurate pulse on the wire. Say your fence is 100 feet long and you have two strands of poly fence, you will actually need to account for 200 feet of fence.


As with anything, accessories make things a little easier. To help with putting poly fences out, one of our reels will make the process of putting out and taking down poly fences easier. Also, make sure to get a fence tester to check the electricity that is running on the fence so you don’t have to test it the old-fashioned way - touching it with your pinky finger! Do not forget your ground rods for your energizer. Talk with your local dealer about the accessories that will help you have a positive experience with your next temporary fence.

And, that’s it! When you gather your poly fence, posts, gate handle, energizer, and accessories, you are good to go to build your temporary electric fence. We have many options for you to choose from because we know every operation is not the same. We want our dealers and their customers to have everything they need to create a sturdy and stress-free fence for their operation.


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