Tips for Maintaining Fence in the Spring

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Maintaining your fence all year round is an important task, but spring is a great time to dedicate time to ensure your fence is in tip-top shape to ensure a strong, long-lasting fence. By taking care of your fence, and the area around it, you are able to decrease the amount of stress put on the fence, helping it last longer.

Tip #1: Keep Weeds Down

We first recommend keeping the weeds down around the fence. By keeping the weeds down, you decrease the chance of overgrowth climbing up the side of your fence. There are many ways to keep weeds at a minimum. A little research on weed management in your area will help you determine the best option for getting rid of those pesky weeds.

Tip #2: Cutting the Grass

Cutting the grass down will help to keep your fence line and fence area fresh and maintained. It also helps to accentuate your fence and to control weed pressure. The grass blades take up the dirt to grow and limit the number of new weed sprouts to generate sufficient growth.

Tip #3: Keep Limbs Cut Back

The last tip on our list is to keep your tree limbs cut back. If you have a fence on a tree line, you never know when a limb might fall and start taking over the fence. It is better to be proactive than reactive. It is important to cut limbs back in order to avoid them growing into the fence and putting pressure on the fence wire. If a tree limb falls or starts growing into the fence line, it will lessen the integrity of the fence’s strength, durability, and longevity.

You invest in high-quality, long-lasting, fence materials to help keep things running on your farm or homestead. Here at Pasture Management, we know that the upkeep around the fence and fenced area is just as important as the materials and installation to protect your investment.


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