Why Electric Fencing

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With electric wire fences, you not only have a physical barrier but also a psychological barrier. A psychological barrier is very powerful in training your cattle not to break down your fence and escape or be harmed by outside threats.

With the proper planning and construction, you can build an electric fence for your cattle and other livestock with ease and efficiency. It will take some time and energy, but the advantages of an electric fence are well worth it.

Build the Longest-Lasting Fence by Keeping Animals off It

In containment areas, livestock will rub on the fence. Rubbing puts significant pressure on any type of wire. Adding one or two electric wires to your fence creates a psychological barrier for livestock in addition to the physical barrier of the fence. Livestock will learn to avoid the fence, which will help it stay tight longer. Making an electric fence a part of your permanent fence will add years to the life of your fence.

Increase Your Forage with Rotational Grazing

Ranchers know the importance of the quality and availability of grass in their pastures. In many cases, rotational grazing increases the yield and profitability of your land and livestock. It forces animals to eat all available vegetation in a small section of the pasture (called a grazing paddock) before rotating them to another paddock. This well-proven strategy produces healthy and heavy animals. With minimized input expense required for the animal and the land, the profits of the ranch operation are maximized.

Minimize Fencing Expenses with Temporary Electric Fence

A temporary electric fence is a great way to create multiple grazing paddocks. The portability and ease of installation offer you flexibility while saving time and money. Utilizing a strong, solar, or battery-powered energizer, a highly conductive polywire, rope, braid or tape, fence reels, and sturdy step-in posts is the best method of fencing for multiple grazing paddocks. These temporary electric fences are proven to be safer and more effective at deterring animals from approaching the fence line than barbed wire fences.